Saturday, August 7, 2010

Embellish with birds

I was really excited when I saw this challenge. I was looking for an excuse to use my two step bird punch again. I just love how cute these birds are. Go check out Embellish Magazine to see some more great entry's.

I really like the way pink, green and brown look together. These are colors I'm drawn to often. Here's my take on the challenge.

A close up of the details on the bird.
All supplies are Stampin Up! except for the button.


  1. Love how you added some swipes of ink on this's all perfect together! I've really enjoyed being the sponsor over at Embellish Magazine and appreciate you playing along! I have one more give away on my personal blog...

  2. Great card!! That punch is so fun- and I love how you inked him up too!!! And I spy another button.... :D

  3. I just love what you've done with the birdie.:) So glad you played along with us for the Embellish Color Challenge!

  4. Oooh... I love that birdie and the sentiment underneath him :D So cute! Thanks for playing along with us!


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